Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nuts About Sketches Reveal

So sorry Ladies
Running a little behind, reason: I have injured my back
I have been told I need to strengthen my tummy muscles
because they don't offer support to my back while I sit and work.
Who seriously wants to hear that!!!!
So I guess I need to get fit, that means exercise YUCK!!!!!!!
Hopefully it gets better soon.
Meanwhile here is my Nuts about Sketches week #133 reveal.

Well that's all for today but I have some exciting news to tell you
in a few days. I wish I could tell you but I am sooooo not allowed to.
Talk in a day or two
Remember give thanks to tree's and spread the love
Shel x

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your back Michelle :(

    This is such a fun layout and I love the colours.
