Hi ladies
The lollipop ladies challenge this fortnight was
to be inspired by this cupcake.
Add some ruffles was the bonus challenge.
Thinking cap on!
Well I thought about it for a while and decided
I wanted to do something a bit different.
So I decided I wanted to make something you put a cupcake into.
Then I experimented with boxes, which would work fine by the way.
Anyway I decided on a cupcake stand, I thought there is
no reason why you couldn't make one from paper.
So here is my cupcake stand.
It took a few goes to get it right and it still could be improved
but I have run out of time so here it is.
I added ruffle on the edge for my bonus.
I also stamped a little message on the top
so that when you lift up your cupcake
you get a sweet little surprise!
I hope you like it!!! Now I just need a cupcake!
Remember give thanks to trees & spread the love
Shel x
2 cute, this is a great idea!! Love it!